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Agenda 09/16/2009
September 16, 2009 - 6:30 P.M.

Robin Stein, Chair

  • Approval of Minutes – August 19, 2009 meeting.
  • Old/New Business
  • Request of SHALLOP LANDING AT COLLINS COVE PARTNERSHIP, LLC to extend Variances previously granted for a period of six (6) months for land between SZETELA LANE and FORT AVENUE, Salem, MA.  Attorney John Keilty.
  • Public hearing: Petition of MICHAEL BUCCO seeking a Variance from maximum building height (number of stories) to allow for the addition of a dormer on the third floor of the two-family home on the property at 72-74 WEBB STREET, Salem, MA, in the Residential Two-Family Zoning District.
  • Public hearing: Petition of JOHN BERTINI, TRUSTEE, JAB TRUST, seeking a Variance from minimum front yard setback, and a Special Permit for the extension of a non-conforming structure, to allow for an addition onto the restaurant on the property at 284 CANAL STREET, Salem, MA, in the Business Highway Zoning District.  Attorney George Atkins.
  • Continuation of public hearing: Petition of WILLIAM WHARFF seeking Variances from minimum lot area per dwelling unit, and Special Permits to change one nonconforming use to another and to increase existing side yard setback nonconformity, to accommodate conversion of an office building to nine (9) residential condominium units, on the property located at 162 FEDERAL STREET, Salem, MA, in the Residential Two-Family Zoning District.  Attorney Scott Grover.
  • Continuation of public hearing: Petition of BVS CORPORATION seeking Variances from required lot area, lot width and minimum rear yard depth to allow for the subdivision into four single-family house lots of the property at 16 SCOTIA STREET, Salem, MA, in the Residential One-Family Zoning District.  Attorney Bill Quigley.
  • Adjournment